Thursday, November 9, 2023

Parsonsfield Sew-Along

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I have continued working on Parsonsfield,  the low volume quilt from Humble Quilts .   In my last post, I had finished the central square, and the little four patch units:

Next was to fill in the spaces in each corner  with some squares and triangles:

I cut the triangles slightly oversized, and then sewed them together in rows, making sure to line up the bottom edge of the triangle with the bottom edge of the squares:

After sewing the rows, it was time to trim the triangles down to size.  I lined up the 1/4" mark on my long ruler to form a straight line over the intersections circled below, and then trimmed.

After the large corner triangles were sewn onto the central square, the pattern called for an inner border, and then a pieced outer border.   Here is the finished top:

I really had a lot of fun choosing the fabrics for this top, and trying to limit myself to scraps and pieces of fabric leftover from other projects.  A lot of the scraps came from this quilt, which I made years ago.


  1. I am totally in love with these low volume pinkish fabrics and what a sweet little quilt you have made.

    1. Thank you! It was nice to find another use for the pink and tan scraps from the past.

  2. here we go again, had to go to chrome to leave a comment... anyway
    I LOVE what you made, the pattern, the fabric choices are a lesson in low contrast, the pink tones make me very content, and then your way of presenting it was clear. I'm going to try to sign up for your blog posts, fingers crossed will work for me! Tech has been a frien-amy this month to me... LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. Thank you, LeeAnna! I appreciate your comment. This "low contrast" project has definitely been a challenge, but the color palette is very soothing to work on.

  3. I LOVE it! I usually oversize my triangles and trim as well. I love each and every one and I wasn't sure I'd even like the "low volume" quilt! The soft pink is lovely.

    1. Thank you, Lori. This little project was a lot of fun to make, and it was so enjoyable to create it along with the rest of the group on your Facebook page. Thank you so much for creating the sew along!
