Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A new project

Last week, Lori Dejarnett of Humble Quilts posted a sweet little vintage quilt that she was going to reproduce for a sew-along.  I wasn't looking for a new project, but something about it made me want to follow along and make one too.
Photo from Lori's blog.

My challenge to myself was to use up as many scrap fabrics as I could.  Here is what I started with:

and here are the fabrics I have chosen for  Part 1, the center square:
I have since sewn it together, but have yet to take a photo.

The next step will be to make some tiny little four patch blocks.  So I turned to my trusty little bag of 1 1/2" squares to get started.  
What?  Doesn't everybody have a trusty bag of 1 1/2" squares?  LOL! 

Here is the progress I have made so far:

This is a fun excuse to use up some of the little shirting style fabrics I have acquired over the years.  I have no idea what I will do with a little doll sized quilt of low volume fabrics, but I just needed to give it a go.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how we are never looking for new projects but they seem to find us anyway?
