Friday, August 21, 2015

Halfway up the hill...

I'm working away steadily on my Hillside Houses quilt.  With the completion of the bottom 2 rows, I am officially halfway up the hill.

My husband asked me if this was a kid's quilt.  I thought he was implying that all the bright colors made it look juvenile.  I was a bit disappointed because I plan on hanging this one in our upstairs hall.  I had hoped he would like it.  Turns out, he really DOES like it.  He asked about it being a kid's quilt because he thought I was going to be donating it to Quilts for Kids.

I'm now putting together the puzzle pieces for the next row:

Don't you just love that crazy pile of batik scraps up in the right corner?  I flip through them to find just the right fabric for the windows.

Can't spare any more time blogging about it when I could be sewing it together.  Thanks for stopping by....

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  1. It's coming out so great! I bet you're addicted to it! I can't wait for you to do more and I'm not even working on it!!

  2. Yep, it's constantly calling to me to come back and play with all that color. :-)
