Saturday, March 15, 2014

Quilter's Holiday

How did you celebrate National Quilting Day?  I didn't have a lot of quilting time today, but I managed to have a little block of time to sew together a Rock Candy quilt top.

The diamonds were already cut out and mostly sewn together so it didn't take long to assemble all the pieces.

If quilters ruled the world, EVERY day would be a quilting day!  Hope you had a little time to enjoy some fabric and thread.  There's still  time before the day is out.
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  1. Love this pattern! I worked today but went to Bits N Pieces where total orders were 20% off all day! That's how I celebrated!!

  2. If quilters ruled the world, EVERY day would be a quilting day

    If you run for president I will vote for you :-D

  3. Not a stitch was sewn by me, had a more important............what's more important than sewing for a quilter, you might say..................going to my great grandson's 4th birthday party. No sewing today, Sunday either, another more important than sewing thing to do......visit my Mum.
    Plan on doing lots of sewing tomorrow, the housework can sit there until another day.
